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Sunday, February 13, 2011

Jewelry making ideas-Something for making crafts

Here are a few idea starters for projects you can experiment with. Many of these items make wonderful gifts, especially if you personalize the design for the person you give it to.
* Home decor - try using your jewelry supplies to embellish vases, create wall hangings, craft a bookmark, or make a wind chime.
* Baby gifts - make a dream-catcher to hang over baby's crib, or a sun-catcher to sparkle in the window.
* Clothing - use rhinestones or faux pearls to decorate a T-shirt, a pair of jeans, or a jacket. Make a belt buckle fancier with your jewelry making craft supplies.
* Handbags - embellish a cigar box into a purse with jeweled clasp, or crochet a beaded evening bag, or decorate a tote bag with beaded fringe and photo-charms of grandchildren.
* Shoes - make pretty shoe clips from wire and other items. Or add beads to the ends of tennis shoe laces.
* Gift packaging - use jewelry supplies to decorate a gift bag or create package ornaments.
* Holiday ornaments - design seasonal decorations small enough to hang on a tree, or large enough to hang on a door. Or give ordinary ornaments a makeover with jewelry making craft supplies.

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